PES Editing Tools

PES 2021 Master League Promotion/Relegation Tool by SMcCutcheon

PES 2021 Master League Promotion/Relegation Tool by SMcCutcheon

Simple tool to force promotion/relegation in Master League PES 2021 made by SMcCutcheon & Zlac.
The tool is opening the door to patches containing added lower leagues.
Limitations, Bugs & Advice – PLEASE READ!
This is not a free-for-all team swapper for each and every competition in the ML file. For example, you can not swap a Brazilian team for a French team as the difference in calendar start dates would cause mayhem and an inevitable crash.
The tool works only for ML files – no support for BAL or League mode
There is a visual ‘bug’ with the home screen once the edited save is loaded. The league table will be blank until the calendar has been advanced once.
This is not a patch containing new teams, leagues or any other patch related content. That is up to you!
Several competitions were required to be ‘protected’ to resolve various issues arising such as teams that qualify for a Super Cup remaining in their spot as they have earned it from the previous season.
Some advice for creating a 2nd or 3rd division. In eJog’s editor unmark the 1st Division checkbox in the competition regulation tab. This will stop the top teams in the newly created 2nd/3rd/4th division qualifying for Champions League, Europa etc based on their league position. Deleting domestic cups linked to your 2nd/3rd/4th division is also advisable although not 100% tested.
This tool does not rectify the issue of how many games are played per season in an edited league structure. This is the final issue in ML as far as league structures are concerned.
Thread :
@zlac Tool creation and data research – Pestered Genius
@SMcCutcheon Data research and Tester – Pestering Instigator
@Andre1992 Data research and Tester – Experimenter Extraordinaire


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