PES Editing Tools

PES 2021 Master League Money Tool by Devil Cold52

PES 2021 Master League Money Tool

PES 2021 Master League Money Tool by Devil Cold52

PES 2021 Master League Money Tool is a simple tool to increase your money while playing master league with PES 2021
About Compatibility:
Compatible with orginal game(Tests have been made on data pack 4.0,exe version 1.04.01)
Compatible with unoriginal game(Tests have been made on data pack 1.0,exe version 1.01.00)
How to use PES 2021 ML Money Tool
1. Open the tool, select your ML0000000000 file on Documents/KONAMI/eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE/Random Number/save
2. Edit Money $$$
3. Click apply & save !
Attention !
1: Always take a backup of your file (ML0000000000 FILE !)
2: Except for the versions mentioned above, no trials have been made,If you get an error, state it here.
3: The game must be closed during use money tool, otherwise you will get an error in the decrypter / encrypter process.and the program crashes
Author: By Devil Cold52
Thank you: zlac for decrypter/encrypter.exe
Pay Attention
Antivirus programs detect decrypter 21.exe and encrypter 21.exe as threats,therefore interrupts transactions,please exclude the PES File Crypter 2021 folder from scanning or turn off your virus programs in the crypter stage

Tool is using JavaScript Obfuscator Tool to protect the code from being stolen. If your antivirus detect the file, it’s false detection


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