New tool to read & change EDIT File for PES 2021
PES2021 Player Data Editor 0.2 Fix Notes
*Goal Celebration: The 140 above value error there is fixed.
*Motions : The some value error there is fixed.
*Stadium Settings in team page: The some value error there is fixed.
*Team page : fixed the problem of team name not changing
*General : some bugs fixed
PES2021 Player Data Editor 0.2 New Features
-from (A) to (B) Team
-from (B) to (A) Team
-From Other Players to (A) or (B) Team
*Player Appearance
-Skin Color
-Character map for special characters
*Team Squad operation
-Remove Player
-Import Player
-Export All
-Export Formation
-Import Formation
*Global Functions to Names (Player Names,Team Names,Stadium & League Names,Coach Names)
-First upper
-Firs Upper Words
*Global Stats Adjusting
-Player Skills
-COM Playing Style
-Other Stats (Form,Week Foot Accuracy,Week Foot Usage,Injury Resistence)
-Export All Players to xls Workbook with Ability and Appearance Features
-Export All Teams to xls tabulation with Stadium settings,banner etc.
-Hex Converter
-Character Map
-Export All Players to csv only ability and general edits(with general used)
-Export All Teams to csv (with general used)
*Editor İmprovement
-Option File Reload (Players,Teams,Stadium etc.)
-Enabled ‘Save As’ Button
-Tool settings
*Other Functions
-Import All Players Or Teams From Other Editor The CSV files separated by semicolon
-Import All Players Or Teams From Devil Cold Editor The CSV files separated by semicolon
– installed .NET Framework (at least version 3.5 or at latest version)
How to Use
1: Open the program then click FileOpen OF button.
2. The program makes backup acctually, but for safety make a backup of your Option File before editing
3: Choose EDIT00000000 OR choose Decrypter File data.dat
4: After editing, do not forget to save it.
5. To save the program
Q.My antivirus or windows defender detected virus this in the program ?
A.Tool is using JavaScript Obfuscator Tool to protect the code from being stolen. If your antivirus detect the file, it’s false detection. (Don’t downdon’t trust this file.load it if you)
Q.EDIT Files do Not Decrypted
A.Please let me know if you encounter such an error Or you can manually decrypter with crypter tool and open the data.dat file with the editor.
Q.What changes when I import team as csv from other editor?
A.Only team name and team short name changes
Q.What changes when I import Players as csv from other editor?
A.Name,Shirt names,Height,Weight,Age,Playing Styles,Playable And Registered Pos.,Skills and COM Playing Styles,Motions.
Q.What changes when I import Players as csv from Devil cold editor?
A.Name,Shirt names,Height,Weight,Age,Playing Styles,Playable And Registered Pos.,Skills and COM Playing Styles,Motions.
Important Notes
– Run as administrator
– For safety make a backup of your Option File before editing
– I have not been buying the game since pes 2018 because my system requirements are weak Help me develop the editor
– Apologize to all of me for not being able to test the Tool
– Sorry for my bad english
BETA 0.2 known bugs:
-Overall Degrees Not Calculated Correctly. Therefore,I use my own formula to calculate them.
-There is Team Squad color problem
Author : Devil Cold52
Thanks to everyone who always supported the Pro Evolution Soccer community…
Option File Decrypter/Encrypter
Player Abilitiy decode
Kudret11,,Mustafa U.
Player position indicator
Fatih Kuyucak
Player & Team Callnames
How to use Player Converter?