PES 2021 Patch

PES 2021 No Regen Mod 1.2 by by Durandil PES (DLC 7.0)

PES 2021 No Regen Mod 1.2 by by Durandil PES (DLC 7.0)

Here is a mod that completely disables regens players, so retired players will no longer return as 16-year-olds.
✅ Tested with 10 simulated seasons, until 2030-2031 without any crash/issue.
✅ No retired player returns as a young player once the mod is activated.
✅ Compatible for Master League & Become A Legend too.
✅ Works on ML/BAL already started. However, this will not delete the regens already present in your save if you have already done a season.
✅ The default Youth Team fake players still present, but when they are over 21 there will be no players in the youth team.
✅ Teams remain consistent after 7-8 seasons. (Tested on default game, without any new leagues added)
✅ Teams with low numbers of players (especially national teams) never retire if there is no one to replace them (still 22 players in each nation).
✅ DLC 7.0 compatibility
Known Issue :
❌ The mod disables the ability to switch teams during your career. Being fired from your team can cause a game over. Deactivate the module at the end of the season and save a few days before if you want to change team.
❌ However, this mod does not allow to create new young players replacing the old ones. So after 10-11 seasons, it appears that the teams are gradually weakening and not renewing enough, due to the lack of young players.
❌ Beyond 20 seasons, it’s quite possible that there are not enough players in the teams.
➡ The solution would be to reserve a league with only fake promising 15-year-old players. This would allow young players to be added to the ML. 
Warning – read before installing this mod​
▶ This mod has only been tested with efootball PES2021 PC Version and Data Pack 5/6/7 compatibility (07/02/21)
▶ This mod should work on previous versions of the Data Pack. (To confirm)
▶ You must have the sider mod installed for this mod to work properly.
How to install​
1. Unzip NoRegensMod file into “Steamsteamappscommonefootball PES 2021”
2. Add > lua.module = “noregens.lua” to your sider.ini
3. To find out if the mod is functional, switch between seasons in the Master League. You should no longer get the message indicating that there are new players in the Youth Team, while the number of players aged 15-16 remains unchanged.
– Durandil PES
– @juce (noregens.lua module for sider creator)


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