PES 2020 [ Sider Module ] GamePlay MoDULE by Nesa24
Sider module to improve gameplay experience for eFootball PES 2020 PC Version. GamePlay module that allows you to tweak PES2020 gameplay via sliders in sider.
Changelog 1.6
Updated gameplay module to 1.6
Added inputdelay fix
Features :
You can tweak Ball weight and stopforce, gameplay speed, player reaction speed
Default values are
# GamePlay settings
# ball_weight = 3600.00 — default
# shootingpower = 1000 — default
# ball_stopforce = -0.50 — default
# player_reaction_speed = 5 — default
# game_speed = 0.200 — default
How to Use :
1. Install Sider 6
2. Extract with WinRAR, copy both GamePlay.lua and GamePlay.ini to modules folder
3. Open sider.ini with notepad and add this line lua.module = “GamePlay.lua”
4. Save it and done.
5. Now open sider.exe and play PES 2020 via Steam.
Edit Gameplay Settings :
You can try changing the gameplay by edit different values inside GamePlay.ini
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