PES Editing Tools

PES 2020 MLRCE (ML Release Clause Editor) v1.1 by Extream87

PES 2020 MLRCE (ML Release Clause Editor) by Extream87

PES 2020 MLRCE (ML Release Clause Editor) by Extream87

New tool to improve ML Experience of eFootball PES 2020. Only works with PC version of the game. Thanks to Zlac & Extream87.

What’s New:
– Fixed bug in free agents release clause.


Allow you to mod any player contract release clause.
Since ML negotiation system dont allow you to choose an freely value like in real life, here is an alternative.
1) Open PES 2020 MLRCE and click on Open icon. Here you need to choose your ML file.
PES 2020 MLRCE (ML Release Clause Editor) by Extream87
2) In your ML go to your team TAB and check the release clause of the player you want mod. In my case will be A. Marchesín = 5220000€ Type this value on Release Clause box.
Note: If you use another currency change it on tool or will not work!
PES 2020 MLRCE (ML Release Clause Editor) by Extream87
3) Insert the desired release clause on New Release Clause box and click Apply icon.
4) You will get this message:
PES 2020 MLRCE (ML Release Clause Editor) by Extream87
5) Now you can mod another player with same steps and when you finish click in Save icon.
PES 2020 MLRCE (ML Release Clause Editor) by Extream87
6) Copy the modded ML file (You will get an message when you click save telling you the path) to 
Documents/Konami/eFootball PES 2020/save
Now go to game and load your ML and bummmmm its done.
PES 2020 MLRCE (ML Release Clause Editor) by Extream87
7) Also you can click in update icon to check for player list update.
PES 2020 MLRCE (ML Release Clause Editor) by Extream87


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