PES Balls

PES 2020 Ballpack Regista for PES 2019 by Vito

PES 2020 Ballpack Regista for PES 2019 by Vito

New Balls for PES 2019 PC Game. Includes latest ballpack for 2019/2020 season.

1. Install Ball-Server or EvoBall in EvoSwitcher 2019.
2. Copy the full structure of the REGISTA ball directory contained in the rar archive to ballserver or evoball directory

3. Add these lines to the “map_competitions.txt of your ballserver or your evoball”: 0, 021, [ball name], , , , #not linked to any competiton but added so it’s selectable in the overlay menu

Note : This ball its fully compatible with Hawke Ball-Server pack version, is linked to 0 and you can use it in manual and automatic mode selection in the Sider overlays.


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