PES 2019 Kitserver ( Sider Module ) by Juce
1. Install Sider 5.4.2 or newer
2. Unpack kitserver with winrar, copy the content and modules folders into your PES 2019 game folder
C:Program Files(x86)SteamSteamappsCommonPRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019
3. Open your sider.ini with notepad and add kserv.lua to the list of Lua modules:
lua.module = “kserv.lua”
4. Save it and done ! don’t forget to run sider.exe before opening the game !
Thread :
Changelog 1.2 :
– changed logic to only serve up “dummy” bins for 1st/2nd player kits and 1st GK kit
Changelog 1.1 :
This update fixes a problem that kitserver had with teams that were licensed but didn’t have so-called “kitpack” files. Now, with 1.1 and with new sider 5.4.2, you only need to license the team in Team.bin and nothing else – kitserver kits should now work for such teams. (Example: Manchester City included in the archive.)
Thanks and credit to @TheDeath11 who discovered this problem with the 1.0 version.
How to update from 1.1 :
You only need the new moduleskserv.lua
IMPORTANT: How to choose kits for the match
– If you want to select a kit from your kitserver (GDB) kits, then it is best to use hot keys (6 and 7) – because this is the only way to cycle through ALL of the kits that are available for the current match. Using game UI will only give you 2 kitserver kits*, and whatever edited kits you have for this team. Also, remember that Kitserver will load competition-specific kits into 1st and 2nd slots, if it’s a non-exhibition match.
– If you want to choose a kit that you created in Edit mode, then use the game UI (“Uniform”), and you should see your edited kits as 3rd or 4th choice.
(* more than 2, if realUni bins exist in your game for 3rd/4th kit – like Arsenal in default game, for example)