PES Editing Tools

PES 2018 Live Update files with Database Files Merger v1.0 by Zlac

PES 2018 Live Update files with Database Files Merger by Zlac

Master Zlac from evo-web created new tool, it’s called PES 2018 Live Update to Database Merger.  The tool works both with PC & PlayStation 3. Here’s full description from him, make sure you read all the info below 🙂
Revised Live Update merger for PES 2018, updated to work with PES 2017 database and live updates (and hopefully, with data packs, once they are released)
Compatibility with various Data Packs

Live Update merger is designed to be compatible with any version of Data Pack, as long as you are connected to the Internet while using it.
To avoid having to release new versions of the tool simply because Konami has released a new Data pack, I’ve implemented online synchronization in Merger – whenever you run the compatibility checking, Merger downloads one small text file (containing LU version- and DP version-dates) from my public Dropbox. The tool is going to be compatible with any DP and LU version as soon as I update that file.
If you’re either not online or compatibility data cannot be retrieved from Dropbox, Merger falls back to supporting versions which were known when the tool was released (currently, for version 1.0.0 – support for default game without data packs).


Live updates are usually released by Konami on a weekly basis (every Thursday). From time to time Konami skips a week and does not release weekly update.
Please follow official PES 2018 web page to find out when Live updates are NOT released:
What does this tool do?
It extracts below mentioned (supported) files from the data pack (e.g. dt80_100E_x64.cpk), then it extracts corresponding files from Live update file (LIVE00000000 for PC, data.bin for PS3) and finally it updates those files extracted from Data pack with changes from Live update (new players, transfers, lineups, basic appearances, boots assignments, new coaches and coach assignments).
What kind of updating logic does it use?

Basic add/replace by ID. Explained on Player.bin, it uses the same principle for other supported files too:
a) If player with certain ID exists in Live update, but it does not exist in Data pack, then player with this ID is added from Live update to Player.bin from Data pack
b) If player with certain ID exists both in Live update and in Data pack, then the newer version from Live update is used to overwrite old version of this player in Player.bin from Data pack
Supported files:
– Player.bin
– PlayerAssignment.bin
– PlayerDeleteList.bin
– Tactics.bin
– TacticsFormation.bin
– PlayerAppearance.bin
– BootsList.bin
– Coach.bin
– CoachDeleteList.bin
– Team.bin (used only to change coach assignments)
Core functionality

If nothing much changes when compared to PES 2017, the game still probably uses a combination of an initial (and very outdated) core database files, some minor refreshments via not-yet-released data pack files (such as boot assignments and player appearances) and major updates of just about everything database-related via Live update files only.
When doing its own internal updating, game takes all required files (see “Supported files” above) directly from core Data folder, then looks for updated versions in data packs and then finally overrides them by the appropriate Live Update contents.
Therefore, to be able to work with PES 2018 Live updates, this tool needs the location of your:
– Main Data folder (make sure that you have dt10_x64.cpk, dt33_x64.cpk and dt36_g4.cpk available in that folder)
– Download folder containing data packs folder containing LIVE00000000 file
[IMPORTANT] When would I want to use this tool?
If you need to create updated database files with players which were released via Live updates, which are normally not available in-game in offline modes without applying Live Update to EDIT00000000.
It is NOT recommended to apply this tool to any existing community patches, because it is going to mess-up everything – this type of merging is only safe when it is applied to CLEAN, unedited database and datapack files and without any existing and heavily edited EDIT00000000.
So basically, you’d want to use this tool if you’re starting from scratch creating a new patch and you simply wish to have as many Live Update players, coaches and formations as possible, directly in database files. This tool cannot edit EDIT00000000. There won’t be EDIT00000000 version. Ever.

[IMPORTANT] Relationship between Data pack and Live updates

It is not safe to apply every LIVE00000000 to every Data pack – Konami makes Live updates with particular Data pack as the baseline.
Therefore it is only safe to apply Live updates which meet following criteria:
1. Merging with core Database only – supported only for Live updates released before Data Pack 1!
You must use one of the LIVE00000000 files which were released at September 14th 2017 or later and before the yet unknown release date of Data Pack 1. In this case, you also must select dt10_x64.cpk from your main Data folder as the current Data Pack in “Data Pack” field! Additionally, dt33_x64.cpk and dt36_g4.cpk must be available in Data folder.

2. Merging with Data pack 1
When Data pack 1 is eventually released, you’ll have to use LIVE00000000 files released after Data Pack 1 release date, etc.
Trying to apply Dp1-compatible Live update to Dp2 or to core database, or any other unsupported combination, could mess-up the database – therefore, the tool does not allow such combinations.
Stuff you may not like in merged .bin files …
1. Starting line-ups
Well, it is what it is – starting line-ups taken from Live updates tend to be Belle de Jeur kind of lineups – the ones which were accurate during the week when Live update was released. The usual starters may be benched due to injuries, long-time suspensions, etc. Be sure to review the starting lineups and do the necessary corrections at some point.
2. Deleted players
You may end up with more players being deleted from career modes than usual. This can be easily fixed by manually editing merged PlayerDeleteList.bin and removing IDs of the players you want to be available as free agents.
3. Deleted coaches
You may also end up with some currently unemployed coaches not being available in edit mode. Just like deleted players, coaches deleted by Konami can easily be undeleted by manually editing merged CoachDeleteList.bin and removing IDs of the coaches you want to be available in edit mode.
How to use:

1. Select your base Data folder (game_install_dirData), Data pack (.cpk file) and Live update (LIVE00000000 file).
– You’ll usually find your latest Live update in C:ProgramDataKONAMIPro Evolution Soccer 2018save folder (ProgramData is hidden folder, instruct your File Explorer to show hidden folders)
this tool does not modify neither .cpk files in your Data folder nor the .cpk file of your Data pack nor LIVE00000000 – it only extracts the necessary .bin files from those .cpk’s
– PS3 users – you must select an appropriate data.bin file as Live update
– XBOX 360 users – use the tool in PS3 mode, but also make copies of the dt10_x36.cpk, dt33_x36.cpk and dt36_x36.cpk in your main Data folder and rename them to ps3 nomenclature: dt10_ps3.cpk, dt33_ps3.cpk and dt36_ps3.cpk
2. Click on ‘Check compatibility’ button – keep getting errors and red crosses? Read the [IMPORTANT] Relationship between Data pack and Live updates section again
3. Click on ‘Extract’ button
4. Click on ‘Merge’ button
5. That’s it – now follow on-screen instructions to find merged .bin files
As usual, there are no warranties that something won’t go terribly wrong – be smart and do your backups before you use this tool.
– for external tools (CriPakTools, see credits)
.Net framework 4
Visual c++ runtime 2010
False-Positive malware warnings:
Avast antivirus erroneously insists that one of the used external tools (CriPakTools.exe) is some kind of malware – virus total report for supplied CriPakTools.exe
tomato4cc – for decrypter18.exe – decryption of LIVE00000000 would not be possible without it
uyjulian, esperknight, nanashi, falo – for cmd line .cpk (un)packer tool CriPakTools.exe
@smeagol75 for his help in decoding bits used to license coaches in Team.bin
Initial version of the tool seems to be working fine with PC files. New cpk added via dpfilelist generates usable EDIT00000000.
No guarantees for PS3 or XBOX360 files … I did my best to try to make it work out of the box, but since I don’t have access to console files, I couldn’t really test anything.
Additional note for XBOX 360 users: please make copies of the dt10_x36.cpk, dt33_x36.cpk and dt36_x36.cpk in the main Data folder and rename them to use ps3 nomenclature: dt10_ps3.cpk, dt33_ps3.cpk and dt36_ps3.cpk.
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