PES 2017 Ewwe’s OIC Patch 2017 Season 2016/2017
Ewwe’s OIC Patch is the new patch for Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 from Italian Community. Eventhough the patch is italian based, but you can use it for English and any other language of PES 2017. The patch has many features inside it, check this out below !
Features :
Compatible with DLC 2
Master League working without Crash.
Unlocked Roma & Lazio
Added Fruits Mod 2.1 Online Compatible
Fixed Uniforms color
Added 300 new kits for 3rd / 4th kits.
Added many new players
New Chants for National Team
Added new songs
Bootpack 100 boots
Glovepack 45 gloves
Shortname corrected
Coaches updated
Updated last live update of October
1800 mini Additions face of the formations
Additions rivalries with teams
Nw start screen
Place new uniforms medical staff
Competitions licensed
Kits for the new season to all teams
Inserted full Bundesliga
Added Major League Soccer full
Added Full Jleague
Place the 5 teams Champions League group
Place 30 teams in the Europa League complete
Submitted ballpack with the new balls season
Entered referees kit
Place photos coaches
Added all of europe teams kits and champions
Fixed all the names of the national players
Fixed all the names of classic players
Fixed fake players in the Brazilian championship
Fixed structure of the champions League 16/17
Fixed structure of Europe League 16/17
Added the various missing fonts
Updated the actual fonts English Championships and Liga NOS
Included the last live update in late September
Listed Logos Sky Mediaset in champions and europe
Added the callname to all the English teams, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian (except 12 teams)
Fixed the two invisible balls and added 4 new balls (eg. Adida Krasava Russia 2017)
Stacked inside adboard
Added the 40 stadiums
Place (for now) in 2200 faces around
Corrected the colors of the teams
Corrected and arranged all the wrong vests under their uniforms
Added Selector.
Many more !
Homepage : http://oltreilcalcio.forumcommunity.net/
Thread : http://oltreilcalcio.forumcommunity.net/?t=59333841
Installation :
1. Extract all files with WinRAR, put the DpFileList order like below here
2. Click Generate.
3. Put EDIT000000 File to your document folder
C:UsersYour NameDocumentsKONAMIPro Evolution Soccer 2017Save
4. Done.
*You can use it online, just use the selector.
Note :
– Only works with Original Steam version !
PASSWORD : ewweoic