PES 2008 All National Team Patch by Tottimas
This is the old PES 2008 ANT Patch by Tottimas. The version is ANT Patch 2.0 + Updates 2.5, sadly this is the best i can found. If you had ANT Patch PES 2008 3.0, please share it for community 😉
Content 2.0
– Created by: Tottimas, Boca, Mracho, Zdravoumartini, FXGT
– Helped with OF: Zilandi(PES6 Asian teams), Pogoss, SG13, Not.SlyPee, SuchTheFool, Cristiwano, Denxho, GothicSpiky, lami, Bosniansc, Tailand Pes Community, Ukranian Pes Community, Cyprus Pes Community
– National Teams kits taken from EVO-WEB GDB Folder – thanks to all who worked on it and to all kitmakers whose kits are in it
– New National Teams kits made by: jvinu2000, zdravoumartini, August, Tottimas, door123, Buenos24, GothicSpiky, alen_petrin, irfank, Tunevi
– Thanks to Juce and Robbie for fantastic kitserver
– Thanks to all people who helped create all those OF editors
– Thanks to Evo-Web and PESSerbia for all material we used from them and to original creators
– Thanks to ninuzzu and other editors involved in banners patch
– Thanks magodemente for his banners for new national teams
I hope I didn’t forgot anyone
New stuff ( Update 2.5 )
New scoreboard with 3 letter FIFA code and teams flag
New medal for cup winers with FIFA logo on it like FIFA World Cup medal (look at picture with Venecuelan players holding the trophy)
New adidas 2008 referee kits by Kleimann
New balls for all continental competitions (no Oceanina though)
Over 100 kits for new national teams
Multilanguage suported, now you can play with any language you have instaled, no more just on english
Just unrar and install both exe files and you are ready to play with your favorite national team.
If you are using 16:10 screen resolution you just need to copy a file from folder antserverimg16-10 into folder antserverimgcv_0.img.
Note from Tottimas
You are free to change anything you want to, to make patch better for you.
You can use anything from this patch in you patches just credit this patch for it.
Feel free to distribue this patch for free on any other PES or no PES forums.