PES 2020 Stadiums Tutorial

How to Convert Stadiums from PES 2019 to PES 2020 V2 by Andò12345

How to convert stadiums from PES 2019 to PES 2020 by  Andò12345

How to convert stadiums from PES 2019 to PES 2020 by Andò12345

Premise: converting your PES 2019 stadium with this tutorial, the stadiums won’t be perfect and probably will have some small problems but the quality is acceptable. Another problem is that some stadiums couldn’t work right with this tutorial.

Changelog v.2

Fix to flickering edge pitch and white edge pitch

1. Open PES 2019 stadium ( if it’s cpk, unpack it with CRI Packed File Maker )
2. Delete the following folders: 
StadiumAssetmodelbgstxxxlight – StadiumAssetmodelbgstxxxlight
3. Delete all the referements about the written “pitch” in folder 
4. StadiumAssetmodelbgstxxxsourceimagestga#windx11
5. Move the Asset folder of the stadium converter folder into your stadium folder
(If the id isn’t 009 you have to change all the referements of 009 to your id)
Download Asset folder stadium converter below here.


FIX Flickering / White Edge Pitch (13/10/2019) by @Andò12345 and @saintric


Photoshop CS6
DDS Plug-In
CGPE by Shawminator

How to Use :

1. Open CGPE, go to tools/ftexconverter, go to convert ftex and select


2. – Go to YourStadiumAssetmodelbgst046sourceimagestga#windx11pitch_alp.ftex and you’ll see, open it with Photoshop

3. Resize with Photoshop where is violet and yellow until in-game the pitch won’t have problems

4. When you’ve finished save the file with these settings

5. Open CGPE, go to tools/ftexconverter, go to convert and select your new

6. Substitute the old pitch_alp.ftex with the new one

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