PES 2010 South Africa 2010 Mod by ModdingWay
Another classic patch by ModdingWay. This patch was made for PES 2010 PC. Includes some content for World Cup 2010 South Africa. Here’s some features from ModdingWay.
- As you can see this mod will include totally new menus since we are able to edit dpows. Diego Martiniello has done an impressive work editing menus 3D.
- Statistics will be provided by our good friends from
- Thanks to inside181 we will be able to enjoy two new stadiums ( Soccer City – new version – and Nelson Mandela ) inside181 is part of – this stadiums will be included in their World Cup Mod too –
- Johnao and MiguelStyle will provide a great World Cup boots pack
- diNo from PES provided most of the kits. Also kits made by elxeneize from, Asiat from as well as Klashman69 and Tottimas.
- We have taken special care of players appearance according to how they will look during world cup. New hairs, new faces. Faces for players like Vera, da Silva, Aureliano Torres ( Paraguay ), Holden, Goodson, Cherundolo, Feilhaber ( USA ), Brecko, Koren, Jokic ( Slovenia ), Obinna ( Nigeria ), Eggiman, Shaqiri ( Switzerland) and more. Also eyes have been fixed as well as facial hair ( for instance for players like Per Kroldrup – blue eyes and facial hair )
- New intro cinematics ( aerial camera ), new tunnel cinematic ( you will be also able to enjoy this one in world cup patch ) and more
- And finally … no better I won´t tell you the final … it´s a surprise
UPDATE 1.1 Content :
Fixed hairs for: Samuel, Sergio Ramos, Pastore (so they will look fine from distance)
World Cup Fixture fixed (teams selection in group C)
Some new faces will be added (Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Korea Republic, Korea DPR – thanks to
Fixed Gallery Replay crash
Jo’bulani ball to be included.
Updated formations (Netherlands)
Updated North Korea Kits (Tottimas)
1. This mod is fully compatible with other mods.
2. Install this mod in your PES 2010 main folder.
3. Install fix for non-english version if english isn’t main language in your PES
4. Install 1.1 update
5. Start your game from SOUTH AFRICA 2010 MOD shortcut you’ll find in your desktop.
There are two option files available:
-Matrix (
-Pes Stats Database (
By default the Matrix Option file is the one installed.
In order to use PES Stats Database go to your PES 2010 main folder/MWWC/save/OPTION FILES/
There you have both option files in their folders: MATRIX or PESSTATSDATABASE
Copy your favourite file PES2010_EDIT.bin to My Documents/KONAMI/MW World Cup Mod/save/
It seems a Kit Server problem : sometimes the FIFA intro music during pre kick-off cinematics is not loaded.
CHECK OUT ALSO INGAME : Gallery / Credits and MW Friends.
Programs, Coordination, Tools, Artwork and more : Stelios and Ariel
Sounds ( Vuvuzelas ) and Menus 3D : Diego Martinello
Scoreboard : Ninuzzu
FEI 1.0 : Skunk
Stats :
Matrix : Kenny and SG Eintracht ( )
Kitserver : Juce and Robbie
PES Plus : WECN Team ( )
Ball : Gkan ( )
FIFA Intro Anthem : Ariel and Porridge
Kits : diNo (, Tottimas, klashman69, elxeneixe ( ), Asiat
Special Fonts : Tottimas
Adboards : Arquero7171, Hicksville
Faces : Agiga, USSR Team ( ), Saintkei, Nelson, Jotta, Cigman, Matt, GRAND BLEU (, Sonnie, Carva, anasie10, jorgze, DPZONE, Michelot94, Sotirakis, Anat-Z, Yury, Trigger, Chavez, Isotacas, Felipe Pflanzer, Ahmed Cena, Maze32, Sheridans ( ), Jelly, ekzu, Danielinho, Romantik, El Nino 9, dato, Arnau, Duner, michi1860, Ruqas, Sergio, Pterboat, M@K$, webBS, Teke, Crihh …
Boots : MiguelStyle, Johnao and WECN Team ( )
Callnames : GOAL and Draganin
Gloves : Darfidos
Editing Tools : Goldorakiller ( and w!Ld@ ( )
Thanks to all the community for their support!