CG PES Explorer Version by Shawminator
Changelog 0.7.1
Fixed 1st bug as reported above.
few other issues sorted I found myself, updated ball server manager to remove invalid assignments
How to Updates
Extract and replace existing .exe and .dll
Additional Stuff
Comp ID For use with Sider server modules
Instructions:- Extract and place in the DLC Version/2020 folder.
Changelog 0.7
1. Added support for new Textures types in ePes20
2.redesigned the sider setting page.
3.Added Sider Server Manager (Ball Server only ATM, works with pes2019 but waiting to see response before adding other modules)
Changelog 0.6
Exporting from single cpks produce object reference error – Fixed
Importing to stadium LUT files(rgb8 format) produced Object reference error – Fixed
Updated code architexture to x64 to allow for better memeory management.
String editing 100% complete
Model Previews with OBJ Export
Small profile manager to allow deleteion of old Profiles at startup
FtexTool for batch converts to and from dds
Cpk extract
Live update – credit to @zlac
New apk process to read larger DDS Textures in scoreboard mods.
Due to update to x64 new cpkwrapper written to work allong with existing Cri Packed FileMaker dlls.
Updated sider manager
Added search function to search for files in VFS, usng $$ as wilcard to find partial matches