PES 6 PECH King Patch Season 2019/2020
*Works best with PES 6 Spanish. Might not working properly with PES 6 English. I also upload english menu for this patch by Master Saborio.
Features :
– Real name for all competitions.
– New Graphics in the purest style that only PECH could deliver.
– Kits updated and configured in the internal editor + correct colors of the fans.
– New Songs with great audio quality + new music pack.
– Canvases of the teams compiled and relinketed by Luxo_xxx
– Updateable executable with names of new selections and clubs.
– Executable Normal Camera and Remote Camera version.
– Option File 100% updated, with many improvements over previous patches in Stats
– New Markers, Shields and Teamnames fully updated + new screen and load logos.
– New collection of Faceserver 100% updated, with the best version of each player.
– New Balls collected by Alex Jovis and created by DaveBecce, hayate, PesLogos, among others.
– New Kits compiled by P17.
– Stats collected by P17 & Fabián
– Physicists corrected by camilomax & Fabián. Little by little we will complete it until reaching all the players of the patch. At the moment they are 100% the two divisions of Chile and some European players.
– Stats updated to date according to Pes Stats Database in the most important leagues.
– Extra Content, compiled by Luxo_xxx:
– Improved sounds (pause the game, sound of error, choose some mode, go from option to option, etc.)
– Atmosphere
– New skin for players and referees
Update 1.0 :
New players created and added to their teams.
Stats updated in the Option File.
Callnames added and assigned in the Option File.
Fixed error in ballserver.
New faces and hairs added to faceserver.
Fixed the error of Spanish Union in the faceserver.
New uniforms added to the uniserver folder.
New uniforms licensed and updated in the edit mode of 0_text.
New gloves, numbers and fonts added in the edit mode of 0_text.
Installation [ Translated from Spanish ] :
• Install on a PES6 CLEAN, FULL VERSION and in SPANISH (Without previous patches and much less that it is a RIP version)
• For those who do not know how to extract a WinRar file, just right click on the file and give ” extract here, WinRar will do the rest
• It is recommended to download all the components to avoid errors in the game, so that you can enjoy an excellent experience with the patch.
Step 1- First install a clean PES6 full version and in Spanish.
Step 2- Right-click on “extract here” to 0_text, 0_sound, s_sound and s_stext. Then, if they do not have the sud folder, they must be created in the root folder of the game (C: Program Files (x86) KONAMI Pro Evolution Soccer 6), and then paste the “.afs” files, that is, the 0_text , 0_sound. s_text and s_sound.
Step 3- Then, right click on “extract here” to the compressed file “kitserverHD”. Copy and paste the “kitserver” folder into the root folder of the game, that is, where you have your PES6 installed, It is usually in: (C: Program Files (x86) KONAMI Pro Evolution Soccer 6).
Step 4-Again, right click “extract here” to the compressed file “stadiums”. Copy and paste the “stadiums” folder into the “GDB” folder of the kitserver, which is usually located here: C: Program Files (x86) KONAMI Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Kitserver GDB. They also do it with faces & hair, kits, balls and boots.
Step 5- Now, right click on “extract here” to the compressed file “EXE”. Then you will get two versions, BUT YOU MUST ONLY Copy and paste ONE EXECTABLE SINGLE into the “Pro Evolution Soccer 6” folder, which is where you have your PES6 installed.
It is to your liking the executable of your choice. One has a default PES6 camera and the other has a PES2020 style remote camera.
Step 6-Once they have everything attached they should go to the kitserver, then run the “setup.exe” and then select their executable and click on install and accept, as seen in the image. This ensures that all kitserver components are installed correctly. If the name of the exe does not appear in “game executable” it is because they have the kitserver folder inside another one and that is not the case, it must be just a kitserver folder and it must be inside the “Pro Evolution Soccer 6” folder.
Step 7-And finally, right click on “extract here” to the compressed file “OPTION FILE”. then Copy and paste the OF into the folder “folder1” found in (C: Users XXXXXX Documents KONAMI Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Save folder1) if they do not have the SudA folder they must create it and within it create folder folder1 and then paste the option file.
And now to enjoy !!
English Menu by Master Saborio
*Just replace all files in datfolder