PES 6 Patch StoneCold World Cup 2018 Edition
*Updated Season 2017/2018
* The Ligue 1 Complete
* Champions League clubs
* Top clubs in Bundesliga, Liga and Serie A
* Top clubs in the Europa League
* World Nations for the 2018 World Cup
* The best classic clubs of the years 80-90-2000
* The greatest classic nations of the 90s
* Ligue 1 and PREMIER League referee kits included
* 4 South American clubs in bonus season 16/17
* + 300 transfers in Europe and +500 players created since the end of the season
* New menus and soundtrack of the game with hits of 2017
* New tunnels at the entrance of the players
* New speaker moods and half-time interviews
* New supporters’ chants for the Ligue1
* Many faces of players added since the patch 2016
* New Nike shoes, Adidas, Puma 2017 and balls 17/18 including +790 shoes and +2560 faces
* New exclusive Ligue 1 kits included season 17/18 by Magicwaddle and Premier League promo kits
* The Ligue 1 and Premier League stadiums included in the patch
* New Scoreboards for the season in matches
* Balance of the stats of the biggest teams after the first round Champions League and championships
* New logos and icons for menus
* The patch available in French, English, Spanish, German and Italian
* Comments in French, English or Spanish / Mexican of your choice
Installation :
1. Replace old files from DAT folder by the new downloaded files from the patch , and including new PES6.exe too .
2. Replace new option file in Documents/settings/konam/save/folder1
3. Unzip the Kitserver downloaded and put it next to your pes6.exe in the main folder of your game directory.
(there are no stadiums in this new kitserver , so keep your downloaded stadiums and put them in the empty new STADIUMS folder )
4. Start the game and engjoy the magic !
Changelog World Cup 2018 ( Released 13 June 2018 )
* New backgrounds menus world cup edition
* +300 new players faces/hair added
* new boots nike and adidas 2018
* All 32 new kits fifa world cup (except 3 teams)
* all players for the 32 national teams
* official ball adidas world cup
* stats improved after the season
* gameplay (speed max 70 and agressivity+90)
* new fonts for menus
* new scoreboard for exhibition games WC 2018 style
Changelog 3.0
-New kitserver 6.7 hd
-New kits updated clubs in Europe
-New option file mercato january europe
-New national teams Iran,Arabia Saudi,Panama
-New faces /hair and boots for players
TUTORIAL(delete old files )
Many players have been deleted and faces added so you can not use the old kitserver or you will have crash during matches.
If you already have the previous version, just download PES6.exe, Option File, Kitserver & 0_text. Replace it with the new one and you’re ready to go !