PES 2021 Full Pause Menu NBCSN Premier League by Afandix
New Pause Menu & Plate Name by Afandix for PES 2021 PC. This mod is just small addon, so you need RPL Scoreboard by Predator002 before using this mod !
Full Pause Menu Features:
– New look fresher
– Screen covered when pause menu / half (Transparent)
– Unlimited design for pause menu you can create.
– In this pack there are three pause menu designs for the NBCSN scoreboard by predator002. Which you can choose one of them.
– You can use this template as a pause menu that you will create.
Thread :
How to Use :
1. Install NBCSN V2 Scoreboard by Predator002
2. Extract New Pause Menu & Plate Name by Afandix
3. Choose one of them, open the folder and copy it into the NBCSN folder you have installed.
4. Replace extracted “common” folder to its respective SCOREBOARD location inside contentscoreboard-server
for example contentscoreboard-serverPremier LeagueNBCSN
4. Done !