PES Graphics

PES 2021 Crowd Cheers Banners by Guorfan

PES 2021 Crowd Cheers Banners by Guorfan

PES 2021 Crowd Cheers Banners by Guorfan

New Cheers banners for PES 2021 made by guorfan, You must install latest sider & stadium server for PES 2021 before using this mod
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Content from guorfan
In addition to complete my pack with smokes bombs colours I bring you guys a way to change default crowd cheers from Konami, (This one method have actual limitations like if you are playing a league match between two teams whose default banners have same language, those will load same message since you can not load one message for local team and another one for away team) althought this is a minor bug since in almost all stadium will load local crowd cheers banners and away banners are only loaded on away section of stadium, so I give you all default crowd cheers banners which konami give us and you will be able to change message via photoshop or painting programm, includes a folder called “Example” to show you an example how this can be made. You will need CPGE v 0.7 by @shawminator , you dont need to convert ftex files to DDS since my addon include all DDS images. Open DDS image with a phostoshop with DDS plugin or painting programm and modify content of message and font if you want, place it in same position and size where original message was and save it as DDS with DXT5 Format and generate mip maps (11). When you are done go to CPGE v 0.7 and convert your DDS file into FTEX file with Material Map as texture type and save it so you will have the new FTEX file and place it into Cheers banners folder with same name and replaced it when asked, start game and if it is all ok you will have your custom banner. You can explore it if there are other possibilities like to load a custom banner already made (not tested).
How it works?
These crowd cheers banners works like an addon for stadiums so you can put whatever banner you want to whatever stadium you want, so you need to insert addon folder inside stadium folder next to Asset and Common folders. Inside addon folder there is a folder with 009 number which is an ID of stadium, so if you want to use custom crowd cheers banners in other stadium with other ID, you will need to change that ID to an ID belongs to your stadium.


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