PES 2020 Faces

PES 2020 Tattopack 4 by SuperNova

PES 2020 Tattopack 4 by SuperNova

PES 2020 Tattopack 4 by SuperNova

New tattoopack update for eFootball PES 2020. This tattoopack can only be used for eFootball PES 2020 PC version. Also works with all patches ! Sider 6 is required before using this mod.
How to Use :
1. Install Sider 6
2. Create folder named faces inside livecpk folder so it should be like this
3. Extract tattoopack with WinRAR, copy Asset folder to livecpkfaces
4. Open sider.ini and add this line
cpk.root = “.livecpkFaces”
5. Save it and done
for EvoWeb Patch

for evo-web patch users, all you need just copy asset folder to livecpkEvoWeb PatchFaces ( replace all files )

*Don’t forget to change both folders to its original player ID !


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