PES 2020 Faces

PES 2020 Faces Ryuji Utomo by PESFaceThai

PES 2020 Faces Ryuji Utomo by PESFaceThai

PES 2020 Faces Ryuji Utomo by PESFaceThai

New updated player faces for eFootball PES 2020 by PES Face Thai Facemaker. Thanks to PES Face Thai.
via Sider 

See this tutorial video here.

via CPK

1. Extract the file with WinRAR,
2a. If the face is not a CPK file, you need to make it to CPK first, you can follow it here.

2b. If it’s already in CPK File, Copy .CPK file to your PES 2020 download folder.
steamapps/common/eFootball PES 2020/download
3. Generate with PES 2020 DpFileList Generator.
4. Done.

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