PES 2020 Champions Patch by KTGR
It’s a graphic patch for eFootball PES 2020 PC. Works with all PES 2020 Patches !
-Champions League in-game Font
-UEFA Cups Menu:
UEFA Champions League Trophy
UEFA Europa League Trophy
UEFA Super Cup Trophy
UEFA Euro Cup Trophy
-Official Champions Patch Start Screen
-Overall UCL Scoreboard V1
-Three authentic UCL Final Atmosphere Packs, with tenors, singers & speakers
-Extra content – La Liga realistic Time Font – compatible with @–SG– scoreboard
Before Installation ( Mandatory )
0. Install Scoreboard Server PES 2020
1. Install FunZotik Entrance Pack
2. Install Predator002 Tournament Anthem
3. Install KunPuP Anthem RePack
How to Install Champions Patch :
1. Extract with WinRAR
2. Copy livecpk folder to your sider folder, open sider.ini and add this line
cpk.root = “.livecpkktgrmenu”
cpk.root = “.livecpkktgrfont”
3. Copy all folders from OverallUCLScoreboard to your contentscoreboard-serverUEFA
*Create UEFA folder if you don’t have it
4. Open map_competitions.txt inside contentscoreboard-server and add all lines from map_competitions.txt OverallUCLScoreboard folder to your map_competitions.txt inside contentscoreboard-server.
5. Now copy content folder from UCLFinalEntrance[byKTGR] to your sider folder ( overwrite if asked )
6. Done, now play PES 2020 from sider.exe !