PES 2019 REAL SOCCER Gameplay Mod v2.4 ( Slower Paced ) by Incas36
New gameplay mod for PES 2019 PC. You can feel the diffrence between this gameplay and vanilla version. It’s probably one of the best gameplay for PES 2019.
Features :
Slower Paced
Ver 2.4 has changes in ballplayershoot (same of Pes 17) and changes in constant_team.bin (only for BasePosition) with values of Pes 17.
No more strange collisions;
Player’s reactivity;
Ball physics;
Right behavior of ALL human players (and cpu too);
Varyety of shoots (human and cpu);
Varyety of actions (defense midfield and attack);
Nomore top corner goals;
Player’s jump in attack, defense and midfiels;
Human players can steel the ball without fauls everytime;
Battles for ball everywhere;
Fights in midfield;
Respect of stats;
Faster player are not reached by slower ones;
Strong long range shoots;
Right GK behavior;
How to Use :
1. Extract with WinRAR, Go to the location below and backup your original dt18_x64.cpk
C:Program Files(x86)steamsteamappscommonPRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019data
2. Rename dt18_x64_2_4_1_A_Corrected.cpk to dt18_x64.cpk
3. Now replace / remove the old dt18_x64.cpk with the new dt18_x64.cpk.
4. Play
Credits : Incas36