PES 2019 Catenaccio Facepack by MictlanTheGod
New facepack for Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 PC Games. This faces can be used for all patches. Thanks to MictlanTheGod.
List :
Cannavaro & Nesta
Franco Baresi ——-A. Pritchard 102951
Giuseppe Bergomi——A. Pearce 36893
Fabio Cannavaro——G. Thorne 44711
Alessandro Nesta—-E. Torrasi 124275
Paolo Maldini———C. Bryson 101030
Gaetano Scirea——A. Olliero 110376
Giuseppe Bergomi——A. Pearce 36893
Fabio Cannavaro——G. Thorne 44711
Alessandro Nesta—-E. Torrasi 124275
Paolo Maldini———C. Bryson 101030
Gaetano Scirea——A. Olliero 110376
1. Extract the file with WinRAR,
2. Copy .CPK file to your PES 2019 download folder.
C:Program Files(x86)SteamSteamappsCommonPRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019Download
3. Generate with PES 2019 DpFileList Generator.
4. Done
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Credits : MictlanTheGod