PES Balls

PES 2019 Ballpack Nike Merlin Premier League 2019/2020 by Vito

PES 2019 Ballpack Nike Merlin Premier League 2019/2020 by Vito

New Balls for PES 2019 PC Game. Includes latest ballpack for 2019/2020 season.

1. Install Ball-Server or EvoBall in EvoSwitcher 2019.
2. Copy the full structure (of the Nike Merlin EPL ball directories contained in the rar archive ) to ballserver or evoball directory

3. Add these lines to the “map_competitions.txt of your ballserver or evoball”: 0, 201, [ball name], , , , #not linked to any competiton but added so it’s selectable in the overlay menu

Note : This ball its fully compatible with Hawke Ball-Server pack version, is linked to 0 and you can use it in manual and automatic mode selection in the Sider overlays.
PES 2019 Ballpack Nike Premier League 2019/2020 by Vito

PES 2019 Ballpack Nike Premier League 2019/2020 by Vito


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