PES Boots

PES 2019 Bootpack v3 AIO by LPE09

PES 2019 Bootpack by LPE09

New bootpack for Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 PC game. It includes some various new boots of 2018/2019 Season.

Features PES 2019 Bootpack by LPE09 :

– 100 Boots
– Includes Nike Concrete Pack, Adidas Team mode Pack, Puma Pack, Takela Boots and more
Installation : 
1. Extract the file with WinRAR,
2. Copy .CPK file to your PES 2019 DOWNLOAD folder.
C:Program FilesSteamSteamappsCommonPRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019Download
3. Generate with PES 2019 DpFileList Generator.
4. Done
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PES 2019 Bootpack v3 AIO by LPE09


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