PES Graphics

PES 2021 Full Icon Menu Mod AIO by JEMP

 PES 2021 NEW Menu Server Mod AIO by JEMP

PES 2021 Full Icon Menu Mod by JEMP

New Icon mod by JEMP for PES 2021 PC. This is an AIO (All in One) version so no previous version needed. Credits to Jemp, Hawke & afandix.
Thread :
Content :

This file contains all the icons and graphic changes :
-Icons in the pause menu and badges depending on the league, cup, tournament, etc.
-Added logo in the pause menu of the tournament that is being played.
-Graphic changes in menu and icons in the master league.
-Icon in the classification table (arrow in position change and icon of the team that we control) in league or groups in the tournament.
-And some more changes.
– Plates in pause menu, pre-match , post-game statistics icons and Strategy Menu (does not include the scoreboard).
*** Order for the pause menu plates and pre-match plates to work in exhibition matches you must copy the files to their respective scoreboard. (make a copy of your files before overwriting them).***
Installation :
1. Install Sider 7 & CommonLib
2. Extract files with WinRAR
3. Copy all folders content & modules to your Sider folder
4. Open sider.ini and add
cpk.root = “.livecpkhealthArrow”
cpk.root = “. livecpkMenu”
lua.module = “LogoHalftime.lua”
5. Save it and done
Note :
-The pause menu plates and post-game statistics icons corresponding to the scoreboard will not work on exhibition mode.
-For it to work in that mode, you will have to copy the files from the folder, for example for Serie A Scoreboard
–Copy these 3 files pauseMenu.bin, matchMenu.bin, gamePlan.bin from 
contentLogoHalftimeitaliaSerie Acommonmenugeneral 
–Place it your Serie A Scoreboard in ScoreBoard Server, for example
contentscoreboard-serverSerie Acommonmenugeneral 
— You must do this with all scoreboards !
PES 2021 Full Icon Menu Mod by JEMP


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