eFootball 2022 Improved Performance, Better Graphics by Bogo36
New mod for eFootball 2022 PC made by Bogo36. This Patch aims to have a good Performance and have nice Graphics. Tweaked down some things to find a sweet Spot in Performance and Graphics. This patch enables a performance increase up to 10% (Depends on the Scene and on your System).
Thread : https://evoweb.uk/threads/89243/
Removed Chromatic Aberration
Removed Film Grain
Removed Vignette
Removed GrainJitter
Removed Film Shadow Tint
Removed the Oversharpened Anti-Aliasing. This gets rid of the Sandpaper Turf and removes alot of the Anti-Aliasing jittering (not all).
Depth of Field
Tweaked the Depth of Field down. There is almost no difference, but it gains extra Performance.
Tweaked down the Shadows to get a good Performance Bump. They still look good.
Other Things:
Added Anistropic Filtering x16 to the Textures
Removed Motion Blur completely
Removed Bloom completely
Automatically sets the native Fullscreen Resolution, no more need of changing the DPI Settings of the exe File
Important Notes:
With this File the “LOD” Unlocker of @digitalfoxx works now. But be aware that Downsampling will look very good, but costs alot of Performace. Go in small Steps upwards.
If you still want some more FPS than use his Tool also to get rid of the Crowd. You can also Disable Depth of Field in the Ingame Options for a better Performance.
If you want to get rid of the Texture Pop-Ins in the Cutscenes you can Download a second Version of this Patch. You wont have any Pop-Ins anymore, but the Game will take longer to load betweens Cutscenes where big Textures are required. Its up to you.
1. Make a Backup of your “pc0000_console_win.pak” File (SteamsteamappscommoneFootballpak).
2. Download the Patch and replace the File with the Original one.
3. Go into ingame Settings and set every Graphic Setting to the highest.
4. Have Fun!