PES 2020 OBH Anthem Pack
Completed Anthems
Premier League: Missing only Sheffield United & Leicester.
Bundesliga: All anthems included
Serie A: Juventus, Roma, Inter, Milan
Eredivisie : Ajax
SPL : Celtic, Rangers
La Liga : Barcelona, Real Madrid, Athletico Madrid, Real Betis
Ligue 1 : PSG, Marseille
New Bayern Munich Anthem added
Dortmund anthem corrected
Smoke Patch compatibility added
Volume levels corrected across all leagues
v1.01 update
Liverpool’s YNWA volume was really quiet. This is now fixed.
Bournemouth was also very, very quiet.
Norwich & Brighton have now been added (Sheffield United is now the only PL team missing as I can’t find a good clip to use, and the Leicester theme needs updating).
If you install any other mod with an anthem that is also available in this pack, you will need to disable one of the anthems in order for it to work. I’ll explain how to below:
Disabling OBH anthems:
1. Open Team_Anthems.lua in notepad+
2. Search for ‘Liverpool’
3. You’ll find this
4. By adding — in front of each line you turn it into a comment, thus disabling it. It will end up looking like this
5. You can tell it’s worked because if you’re using notepad+ the line will turn green, indicating it’s now a comment
6. Repeat the above steps for Barcelona & Dortmund
Disabling Preds anthems
If you would prefer to use ours, it’s exactly the same, but instead, you are disabling some different lines within their lua:
1. Open ‘tournament_anth_tunnel.lua’
2. Near the top you’ll see a section neatly headed ‘TEAM ANTHEMS — ATTEMPT TO PLAY THESE FIRST’
3. Below are the following lines
4. Add — in front of each line, and turn it into this:
5. Job done.
Should you download any other Sider mod which includes an anthem which is also included in this pack, you will need to do the same again; find the relevant lines, and disable them.
2. cpk mods: extracting, and disabling the correct files
Mauri_d has an excellent goal songs mod. This is a great example of a cpk mod which also includes anthems. In this case, it’s Fenerbache, Inter, and Juventus.
If you would prefer to use Mauri_d’s anthems, no problem, just follow the steps above to disable the appropriate anthems within this mod.
If you want to use his goal sounds, but would prefer to use our anthems, it’s a little more time consuming, but it isn’t difficult, just follow these instructions:
- Download and open CRI Packed File Maker
- Create a New Folder on your Desktop
- Drag ‘GoalSong&Anthem_Mauri_d.cpk’ onto the right-hand side of the tool (the part with labels such as ‘filename’, ‘ID’ etc), and extract it to the New Folder
- Download ‘eternity_audio_tool (1.0 beta1) ‘ (it’s easy to find, just google it and it’s the first link in the search results).
- Go back into the New Folder where you extracted the cpk, and in there you will find two folders – an acb and awb folder, with one file in each folder.
- Copy the acb file into the awb folder. (Basically, in order for the eternity audio tool to open the audio files correctly, you need these two files to be in the same folder for it to work.)
- Open the acb file via eternity audio tool
- You will see a list of all the audio files, towards the top you will see the 3 anthem files we are looking to replace
- Download the silent mp3 file I have attached to bottom of this post.
- Highlight the 3 anthems, click on “replace all” and select the silent mp3 file. Select “don’t loop” when prompted.
- Click save, and exit
- Cut and paste the acb file back into the acb folder
Okay, now the anthems have been disabled, so you now just need to repack the cpk and copy it back into the PES directory
- Open CRI Packed File Maker
- Drag the ‘common’ folder onto the left-hand sideof the tool, labeled ‘Root’
- Click ‘Build CPK’
- Select the desktop as your save file path (don’t worry about naming it right now, we’ll change that in a second)
- Click ‘Clean Build’. (You do not need to change anything on this screen)
- Close the tool
- On your desktop is your shiny new cpk, rename it ‘GoalSong&Anthem_Mauri_d.cpk’
- Copy it into your PESdownload folder, and replace the old file.
- Job done!
I cannot explain it any better than that, so hopefully, you don’ have any problems.
3. Copy extracted folders to where your sider is installed
3a. For SmokePatch Users, use specified lua modules for smokepatch and replace it into your modules folders.
4. Open up sider.ini and add the following lines:
cpk.root = “.livecpkVanilla Anthem Killer”
lua.module = “Team_Anthems.lua”
5. Disable any conflicting updates using the instructions above
6. Enjoy!
In-game Volume Settings
Due to the in-game volume settings having no effect on the volume of these anthems, they could sound extremely loud if you happen to have your own in-game volume settings set very low.
Because of this, I would strongly recommend setting the crowd volume to maximum.
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