PES 2020 Gameplay Mod NEW-LITE by Gabe.Paul.Logan

PES 2020 Gameplay Mod NEW-LITE by Gabe.Paul.Logan

PES 2020 Gameplay Mod NEW-LITE by Gabe.Paul.Logan

New gameplay mod dt18_all.cpk for eFootball PES 2020 PC Version. Gameplay is provided by Gabe.Paul.Logan.

Suggestion not to use it with other dt18.cpk or dt18 sider mods or with modded exes to get the purest experience.

Features : 

- Players are more responsive (stop and start animations quicker thus you can dribble quicker)
- The ball is a bit more bouncy during dry pitch conditions (tried to get more variety and to have more time in trapping the ball)
- The ball does not drag during wet pitch conditions anymore, has the same ball speed as during dry pitch conditions (i just hated that, personal preference)
- Ballphysics altered a bit to have more misspasses and misskicks and to counter the quicker pace and not to have a lot of goals due to laser guided passing and shooting (bit more elevation and spin, usually noticed when a misspass, misskick would occur or during long shots, long passes)
- Shot speed is tweaked just a bit, there is bigger gap between the players with the highest and lowest kick power
- GKs are tweaked, less superhuman also they rather punch strong balls instead catching them awkwardly
- More sensitive collision system
- The animation of tackling speed and sliding speed has been toned down (to draw more potentional fouls)
- Defensive line moved up on the pitch in general to have less space on midfield, also in the meantime to have more counter attacks

How to Use :

1. Install Sider 6

2. Extract file with WinRAR, copy gameplay folder into your livecpk folder

3. Add this line into your sider.ini

cpk.root = ".\livecpk\gameplaylite"

4. Save it and done.

5. Run the game via Sider.exe

YouTube :


1 comment:

  1. question: does your mod by chance remove the catch up mechanic, it is what i am most desperate for. No sense in through balls, when the game can always catch up.


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- Thanks :D

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