PES 2020 The New Real Soccer Gaming V3 Gameplay Mod by Holland

PES 2020 The New Real Soccer Gaming V3 Gameplay Mod by Holland

PES 2020 The New Real Soccer Gaming Gameplay Mod by Holland

New gameplay patch by Holland for eFootball PES 2020 PC. All credit goes to Holland.

Features :

- Based on PES 2020 1.08.01
- Datapack 8.0 Compatible
- Compatible with all patches

How to Use :

Copy PES2020.exe to your game folder.

steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2020\

Copy dt18_all.cpk to

steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2020\data\

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  1. what's new in this gameplay? Can you help me to fix my pes 2020 shot? The ball is so light which makes it hard to shot on target because it flies off easily. Thanks

  2. good gameplay patch, but the passing is a bit too slow the ball must travel a bit faster than the player. but the rest is spot on. id try to had more foul if you can.

  3. I will take anything to replace the horrific DP 8.0 gameplay :(

  4. good patch, but you really need work on your passing speed. still too slow. maybe slow the game down and up the passing speed...?

  5. The gameplay up to version 3.0 was the best I have ever played on a PES. Starting with the fact that my 99 speed and 99 explosive player easily outpaced any defense. But from 3.1 onwards, KONAMI and her disgusting handicap have spoiled the whole game. If some modern is able to get into the heart of the game and eliminate those absurd rules that KONAMI implements that when winning your players become 15% more clumsy in everything, that would be really great. The PES of 2004 when I started playing has nothing to do with those of today. In those years, if you didn't know how to play well, you ended up losing 15-0. Nowadays anyone who has a slight idea of ​​how to pass and shoot wins or draws after your 3-0 lead. PES gameplay sucks. And something that I have noticed is that always, whenever they are about to release a new game, they completely spoil the gameplay of the previous game. As for you to get bored of it and buy the new one. In this 8.0 it is really terrible how neither Tony Kroos of Madrid is capable of giving a good pass despite having more than 90 in short pass accuracy.

    translate with google translate. Sorry ...

  6. Does this have any effect on your save folder? Does it delete your ML?


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